August 04, 2011

In the Depths of Photobucket

I cannot say what triggered the thought that it would be fun to looked through my old Photobucket account, but what's done is done. I did it. I about 82.3% regret it - approximately. Some of the pictures were inappropriate in content and/or ugly. They've been deleted, and I feel little better about myself. Amongst these gross finds, I also discovered there were three main themes of my pictures. So, uh, here they are...

1. I was so vain in high school - because I was pretty hot then.

If you need proof, let's just say I have a lot of it. There is an album titled 'All About Me' under this account, and let me tell you... 357 pictures later I was convinced - Self, you got less hot, but good job being super fine 5-6 years ago!!11! However, my least favorite part of this account actually has to be either the number of 'selfies' or how unbelievable thin I was back then. Dear old self, why did you have an album called 'thinspiration'?! Did you not have mirrors or scales?! New self is not understanding what your crazy mind was thinking. Anyhow, here is proof I was a hot fake ginger/brunette with lots of bones/eye make-up.



(H0+ cr@zy b!+ch.)


(your average blonde dud hangin' with her best)

Sub-theme to being a hot 15-year-old: I had approximately six different hair colors. I mostly just want to include the picture of me with purple hair. It was not attractive, but I had a heart attack/anxiety attack/laugh attack when it crossed my path. So, you should probably enjoy it too. HERE YA GO.

(freakin' LOL!1!!1)

2. My high school friends were @lt3rn@t!v3 and/or 3m0. Srsly.

No offense to any of my high school homies because honestly... I was no prize either. See: weird 'thinspiration' album. For the record, when I say 'emo', I mean music taste and 'style', which was cool back then. Myspace said so, sort of. Being alternative/emo in my hometown meant the following things:

- eyeliner (gender was not a factor)
- r0cl< shows at Bora Bora Dance Club
- hoodies/white belts (preferably with studs) from HotTopic
- taking a lot of 'selfies' to post on Myspace
- checker slip-on Vans
- multiple hair colors
- drinking/smoking/drugs
-not related: care about being 2004 state champs!11!!1!
- probably more shows at Bora Bora Dance Club

If you did not do/have/desire at least three of these things you were probably an average joe, which means we were not friends and I have no pictures of you under my Photobucket account. SORRZ. You had to look like this to qualify:


3. I loved my high school boyfriend.

This theme I feel awkward about writing about, but I am just being honest, OKAY?! I did. In a lot of ways, he is still probably one of the best friends I remember having. He was perfect for me at the time, and I don't really have any regrets from that relationship. Actually, if I have any feelings after looking at these old pictures, well, they'd probably be gratefulness and pride. I definitely felt that way at the time (see: nearly 1,000 pictures in 'princess' album and super fucking long relationship). Anyhow, big high fives to you, Jake! You own'd my Photobucket account. Here are a few of the gems (hope you don't mind):

ALRIGHT. So, you're lucky. I didn't post anything too embarrassing for anyone other than myself. If you disagree, SORRZ 'BOUT IT.

xo, MS - oak


  1. sweet jesus molly! what a laugh! high school lindsay was a little more of a grungy hippie mess that high school molly, but we would have still had matching belts and attitudes.

  2. Thanks for reading! I appreciate it!

  3. If it's any consolation to the embarrassment of looking through old pictures, I just want you to know that, back in the good ol' days of MySpace, I was always jealous that you managed to pull off my natural hair color better than I did.

  4. hah. I appreciate that, but my natural hair color is not blonde. #shocker It is a light brown.

